Saturday, March 31, 2012

It's like Working Girl, but without Harrison Ford...

I started my first "grown-up job" a little less than a year ago, and let me tell you, since it all began, that year has gone by FAST. This time last year, I was working hard on my Capstone project for my Honors program and getting set to graduate. I was running around like a crazy person, trying to find post-college employment, working a job that caused me more stress than it was really worth, and cowering in fear of actually having to become an adult and do things like checking e-mail, going to the bank, grocery shopping, and cleaning all the things.

I intereviewed for a job the day before I graduated, and three days later, I got a call offering me the position. I jumped from college to the real world overnight. I got a grown-up office job that I love. It can err on the stressful side on occasion, but I'm very blessed to have it. I am constantly amazed that the amount of responsiblity they give me, a 23 year old little kid. I work with wonderful people for a stable company with great benefits. I am very fortunate. I relocated to be closer to work, and by moving 30 minutes east of my childhood home, I moved into a whole new social scene. I've made new friends and tried new things.

I've managed to survive the last 7 months of living on my own without setting my apartment on fire (just rice in the microwave and a pan of salmon in the oven), flooding it (despite letting the sink run on and walking out of the room then getting distracted until I hear spashing on the floor multiple times) or leaving it open for criminal activity (because I ALWAYS check the lock on the door. MULTIPLE TIMES). I've managed not to starve to death, to always have clean clothes, and to pay my rent on time, so I'd say I'm not doing too bad that this grown up thing.

"So, that's great, Megan. Yay you. You do stuff normal people do on a daily basis. Here's your  pat on the back and round of applause. Now, what's with this whole blog thing?" you might say. Well, if you know me in real life, then you know I like to talk. I really like to talk. And blogging is like talking, but with your fingers.

I also like pretty things. I spend a lot of my free time looking for pretty things, because I feel like aesthetics go a long way when it comes to making a house a home, making a person feel better, making life better. That's what I plan on sharing here-- pretty words, pretty pictures, pretty food, pretty faces, pretty places, pretty clothes, pretty trinkets. Things that inspire me. I hope they inspire you, too.

So now, I'll leave you with some pretty clothes. In fact, this is my favorite outfit to wear to work on Fridays. With a little bit of wishful thinking (WANT.THAT.PURSE.)

Work Wear

Until next time,


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